Mother's Day
For this Mother’s Day I kept thinking that I should give gifts to my beautiful girls. After all, they are what made me a mother. Couldn’t be one without them. And why should I be honored simply because I have the very best job in the world? I am grateful every day that I have the honor of staying home with my darlings. It would have torn me apart if I’d ever had to leave them in a day care and drive off. Nope, that’s definitely not for me. So many moms have no other choice and my heart has always gone out to them.
Of course, then I realized I couldn’t be a mom without Robert’s help. So, Mr. Wonderful, here’s to you! You have blessed my life in so many ways. Thanks, Sweetheart.
I had a very nice Mother’s Day. Got jewelry (my favorite GREEN emeralds!) and flowers (my favorite PINK roses!)
Both my angels gave me hand made cards. Those wonderful child-creations straight from their tiny hearts. Not museum quality art, but to my eyes the most incredible beauty ever.
Raven had written a poem for her card.
“Dear Mother, you are kind
And you are loving,
But most of all,
You are fit for hugging.“
Oh!!! Well, of course I cried!
Robert also gave me a special present, but it was personal so I won’t describe it here. I just wanted to let him know again how much I appreciate him.
Robert took us out for a nice lunch (that I didn’t have to cook! {G}) We ended the day by attending the Alabama Symphony Orchestra’s performance at Chelsea Park. That was totally delightful! I do simply love the symphony! And outdoor concerts are just wonderful. The weather was great. The friends were great. The atmosphere was great. The kids played on the nearby playground. Robert and I sat and drank iced water and held hands and listened to the music and just enjoyed. It was just lovely all around.
So a big heart felt thanks to my loving family. I am blessed. I love you three!!! You made me feel like a princess all over again.
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