Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It’s s small big ‘ol world wide web

I got an email from someone in one of my online paper doll groups. (OOOOwww, I LOVE paper dolls!) This email contained a link to a book about pirates that has a paper doll on the cover. It was the link that caught my attention: http://www.talklikeapirate.com/book.html. That sounded like fun for the kids, so I thought, I’ll bite. A click took me to a link for pirate fun and games. Hey, I like fun and games as much as the next 10 year old (trapped in a #*@&!!!! year old's body.) I couldn't help but wonder what a pirate might consider fun? Besides, among our other favorites there is Captain Feather Sword, the pirate on the Wiggles’ show. And we thoroughly enjoyed the pirate show at 6-Flags this summer. I’m sure there are others that currently are slipping my mind. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to find out our pirate names. I clicked on the “translators, name generators & quizzes” link. Now, I’m in my paper doll world so you can just imagine my surprise to see this bullet point: “Users of the WordPress blogging tool can pick up a text-to-pirate filter from Dougal Campbell's Geek Ramblings blog.” Yep, none other than my own dear BIL! Fancy meeing you here, Dude! So, how’s it shaking over there in Hotlanta?

So here's our results:
Robert – Voodoo Canker
Ammie – Keelhaul Constance
Raven – Buccaneer Maggie
Anna – Mad Erin


At 12:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, when you get to be #*@&!!!! years old, things start to slip your mind. ;)

Somehow, Keelhaul Constance just seems perfect for you...


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