Memorial Day weekend
It’s been quite a while since we’ve attended a Civil War re-enactment. So this weekend we went to Tannehill to see that one. It’s just the coolest thing to see so many soldiers all dressed up in period costume, especially the cavalry. I’m not sure but this group looked like the biggest gathering of re-enactors I’ve ever seen. (Yeah, like I’m so experienced in this!)
Unfortunately, I was in too much pain to really justify going. In fact, at one point I did tell Robert to go without me. But in the end I just didn’t want to miss out on the fun. A good thing, too, because the day before the {you know the word that goes here}Yankees won, but we got to see the Glorious Grays gain the victory! Yeee-haaaa!!!!!!! (No, I don’t really yell like that in public. It just seems so unlady-like! I leave the rebel yells for the menfolk.)
One of the re-enactors did actually get injured. I heard someone say he got too hot. Those poor fellows are out there in long sleeve wool costumes. And it was a rather hot day. I don’t know how any of them stay cool enough. The paramedics were attending him and they cut the battle short. Frankly, the way I felt I was just as happy it was cut short.
Today I found out something wonderful! They DO have a re-enactment ball every year at Tannehill and it’s open to the public! Hot diggity-dawg! I’ve been tempted to make myself one of those beautiful antebellum gowns! A fancy one, not an everyday dress. Now I have a reason! The kids would love to have gowns, too. Of course, Robert will just have to bite the bullet and go as a nice southern gent. Heaven forbid I play hanky-panky with a Yankee at the ball!
Robert spent the whole re-enactment snapping photos. He ran into a couple of buddies, one who is a semi-pro photographer, the other teaches photography at a local college. So they had a very nice time hanging out together and getting good shots. Apparently, I’m going to have to get my own camera to ever get to take any pics. {G} It’s just something Robert & I both enjoy.
Short & Rodney were up this weekend to see Caleb and do some work on the Playhouse (that’s what we call his trailer because it’s so small. Small, yes, but great for a college man.) Today Caleb grilled steaks for us all. He’s quite handy with a grill. So we all had a nice holiday lunch at Caleb’s place.
Robert did take the training wheels off the kids’ bikes today. Way, way over due. The kids enjoyed the extra freedom.
Anna finally did it. Fell out of the tree. She was trying to climb Susan. It’s a huge magnolia. I have no idea why they named it Susan. I don't think it has anything to do with Aunt Susan. Anna didn’t seem to really appreciate hitting the ground. No, she didn’t fall very far. I think the branch broke. It happened pretty quick, but I think I heard the branch break. No, of course she wasn’t hurt. More of a hurt pride thing. But she really was upset when she saw the huge rip in the back of her skort. Oh, well, it was just about too small anyway. I don’t care about a ruined skort as long as my baby is ok.
Hope everyone had a good holiday. More later.
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